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SLAE32 0x06: Polymorphic Shell-Storm Shellcode

11 minute read

Polymorphic shellcode can be described as any shellcode that performs the same function as an existing shellcode, but with different instructions. In a similar vein to encoded shellcode, polymorphic shellcode is most commonly used in an attempt to evade anti-virus software and intrusion detection systems.

SLAE32 0x05: msfvenom Shellcode Analysis

20 minute read

The tool msfvenom is commonly used to generate payloads. The tool provides a variety of payload options for different operating systems and architectures. Analyzing shellcode payloads generated by msfvenom is a useful exercise to help better understand the underlying techniques that are at play within these payloads.

SLAE32 0x04: Custom Encoding

10 minute read

Most often, the purpose of a shellcode encoder is to obfuscate a malicious shellcode payload in an attempt to evade anti-virus detection that may be running on the system executing the payload. Additionally, encoders can be used in an attempt to remove bad characters (e.g. null bytes) from a shellcode payload. To ac...

SLAE32 0x03: Egg Hunter Shellcode

15 minute read

In the classic stack buffer overflow scenario, execution flow can be redirected to a JMP ESP instruction which results in the execution of subsequent shellcode on the stack. Say that the goal is to execute a reverse shell shellcode that is 100 bytes in length. If there are at least 100 bytes worth of buffer space re...

SLAE32 0x02: Shell_Reverse_TCP Shellcode

28 minute read

In contrast to a bind shell (which is explained in the previous post), a reverse shell is a type of shell in which the system on which the code is run connects a TCP socket to a remote IP address and port that have been designated to listen for incoming connections prior to the execution of the reverse shell. In oth...